Thursday, December 17, 2009

Book in a Box

I found a great addition to giving the gift of scrapbooks to family. Club Scrap has a project called Book in a Box. It was very simple to make and I think it looks great. The first photo is of the closed box - I kept the exterior fairly simple.
In this photo, the book was removed from the box. It's just created from 6 x 6 page protectors held together with binder rings. I accessorized the rings with a variety of ribbons and fibers. This gift is for my cousin and her husband, who were given a surprise birthday party (they both have birthdays on the same day in March!).

Here is a photo of the open box and closed book. Pretty cool - and a bit different from a standard 6 x 6 album. Club Scrap has them in different colors, so you can customize a bit. The inside pages were a snap using an assembly cutting and sorting technique.

1 comment:

nancy y said...

woo hoo - super post! They are going to love this present too - it's so great and what a great keepsake for the special party!